This page helps you find the tools and guidance documents most applicable to your question regarding Safe Innovation. Use the supplied filters to specify your search. Each different selection holds a different perspective and results in other ways to approach Safe Innovation. The filters are exclusive. If a method does not match the selected filter options, it will not be included in the results.

You will be guided through this SIA Toolbox via 2 initial questions where you can indicate which phase of the innovation process you are interested in and whether you are interested in tools addressing the Risks, Costs, Benefits, or a combination of these elements. After selecting these two initial filters, four optional filters will be shown which you can use to further specifiy your interest if so desired. Pressing "submit" will subsequently take you to the list of tools which are applicable to your specific situation.

The selected filters will remain visible after pressing submit and can be reselected to adjust your search query.

You can click on the tools for more information and a link to the relevant website. You can also browse through all methods.